Pruebe gratis nuestro nuevo limpiador antiviral.

A dirty desk, a sticky surface or a grubby keyboard simply isn’t acceptable in the workplace, in this day and age. Employers and employees need to be reassured that when they are spending time in working environments, especially indoors and alongside others, that they are safe and protected from the spread of harmful viruses and…

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Menos es más... ¡sobre todo cuando se trata de plástico!

It’s probably fair to say that the words ‘disinfect’ and ‘sanitise’ have been heard or read more times in 2020 than in any other year! Because of the coronavirus pandemic, these words are top of mind and people are also looking to disinfect and sanitise more often and more thoroughly right now. Some individuals, particularly…

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Cómo mantener su negocio limpio y seguro

As increasing numbers of workers begin adapting to office life at home, many business owners begin to reflect on the safety of their organisation’s working environment and how this could be improved. To help you and your staff return to a safer and cleaner environment, we’ve put a short guide together from the experts in…

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Limpiezas de primavera en su negocio

Spring is a time of fresh beginnings and rethinking old ideas, so we’ve channelled this seasonal zeitgeist and put together some of our favourite Solupak products to spring clean your business. Solupak cleaning products is a range of eco-friendly concentrated surface cleaners encapsulated in fully water-soluble sachets. This means that we don’t ship excess water,…

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Premio a la Innovación Empresarial y de Productos

We are proud to announce that Solupak has been nominated to receive the Business & Product Innovation Award from the Federation of Small Businesses Yorkshire & Humber. We are, of course, very humbled to be considered for such a prestigious award which celebrates new, ‘game-changing’ products and innovative approaches to traditional markets.  After celebrating our…

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Una empresa local crea un nuevo producto con una estrella de la televisión

Solupak, a local Yorkshire business based in Rotherham, have been working alongside professional bike racer turned TV presenter Guy Martin to create an environmentally friendly bike cleaner and degreaser. Hailing from Lincolnshire, Martin started out as a lorry mechanic, winning an apprenticeship with Volvo at the age of just 16. He went on to compete in the…

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Nuevo socio de gestión de residuos para Solupak

En Solupak estamos orgullosos de nuestras credenciales ecológicas y recientemente hemos unido fuerzas con Associated Waste Management para reforzar aún más nuestra trayectoria medioambiental. AWM es una empresa neutra en cuanto a emisiones de carbono y líder en el mercado en cuanto a las últimas soluciones de gestión de residuos basadas en el reciclaje, con el fin de evitar los vertidos innecesarios. También cuentan con la acreditación ISO 14001, que se otorga...

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Solupak alcanza los mil millones

Solupak are proud to announce that they have now produced over one billion PVOH sachets.  Solupak began with one man’s mission to help save the planet from the harmful effects of plastic waste and has become a story of ongoing success. Since Solupak was established in 1998 it has gone on to expand and extend its…

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Solupak trabajará con el Grupo Glenn

Solupak se enorgullece de anunciar que han sido elegidos por el Grupo Glenn para suministrar soluciones de envasado solubles en agua para sus productos de limpieza. El Grupo Glenn es una gran empresa de limpieza que ofrece servicios de limpieza y apoyo a empresas de Bedford, Oxford, Northampton, Londres y sus alrededores. Como empresa de limpieza comercial, el Grupo Glenn ha reconocido...

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Solupak se hace internacional

Solupak se complace en anunciar que ha comenzado a exportar sus productos ecológicos a Australia. Desde sus pequeños comienzos en Yorkshire, donde se fundó en 1998, Solupak ha crecido de forma espectacular en las dos últimas décadas y ahora suministra sus productos a muchas empresas del Reino Unido y del extranjero. Solupak siempre ha aspirado a convertirse en un...

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